Originally Posted by: CKuhlmann 
Nice work, I already like the new Add Tag window.
I noticed that the new version needs considerably more vertical space to display the timeline at the same size as v2. Maybe it would be good to reduce some padding, e.g. above and below the timeline. With displays having ratios like 16:10 there's much more horizontal than vertical space available.
It would also be nice if custom themes could be added/modified using some open file format like ini or xml files. With my windows theme there is no difference between hovered and selected items in ManicTime.
I agree. As a programmer this is something I deal with. I make a prototype, then am told to make it "modern", so I--currently anyway--make it flat and add white space. Then they complain that it takes up too much space. I can't win.
The optimal amount of white space for aesthetics is not necessarily the optimal amount for productivity.Also, please don't increase the white space in the bottom part, between tags/usage/apps/docs. This serves no purpose but to make the interface "pretty" and reduce the amount of data displayed and thereby increase the amount of scrolling needed. I'd love to upgrade to v3 for all the awesome new features (multi-away seems super useful), but won't if the new UI takes more space to display less information.
I'm not sure what framework you're using, so I don't know how easy/hard this would be, but maybe add an advanced option that controls whitespace? Not everyone is going to feel the same about the optimal amount
(Maybe this is already there with themes? If so, it would be nice to have a v2 theme: whenever a UI changes, people's habits have to change with it. Look how many people stuck with pre-ribbon office versions. Knowing they can use the old UI would provide comfort to those who were weary about the new UI and prompt them to upgrade for the new features, knowing they could always use the old UI if they wanted.)
I think the logo could be reverted to its v2 size as well: we've already bought the software, we don't need to be reminded of who made it, especially when it takes up so much screen space. I know it's tempting to put an awesome logo wherever we can, but end-users don't give a crap (unless it's animated)
This is coming from someone, by the way, who uses a 30" 2560x1600 monitor at Windows 100% (default) text size